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Number Plate Reader


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Number plate reader - Example

Number Plate Reader is a tool that can be used to read the number plate of a vehicle. This is useful for various applications such as security where the user wants to identify a vehicle by its number plate or data logging where the user wants to log the number plate of a vehicle.


Number Plate Detection Model

The number plate detection model is the model that will be used to detect the number plate.

The model can be one of the following:

  • Accuracy: A model that is more accurate but slower.
  • Speed: A model that is faster but less accurate.

Number Plate Character Type

The number plate character type is the type of characters (language) that will be read from the number plate.

The character type can be one of the following:

  • Number Only: Only numbers will be read from the number plate.
  • Number + Latin: Numbers and Latin characters will be read from the number plate.
  • Number + Thai: Numbers and Thai characters will be read from the number plate.

Display Results

Draw texts

Whether to draw the detected plate number on the frame.

Overlay Results

Whether to draw the results on top of the image frame.